Mystic Pizza Box

Mystic Pizza Box
A slice of heaven

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Don't be silly! Vote for President D'Onofrio! at Joe's Pub 3-24-2014

Vincent has got my vote! I gave him a jar of Jif Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter after his performance on Monday night, and he was very pleased. My brother Alberto also made a birthday card for Vincent and he placed both the card and jar in his coat pocket. :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Vincent D'Onofrio performs "Hamster" at Joe's Pub 3-24-2014

Vincent performs "Hamster" and "Pig Tender" during his second show at Joe's Pub with Slim Bone Head Volt. He really does think about animals a lot!

Vincent D'Onofrio performs "Pilot Wolf" on 3-24-2014.

A second helping of "Pilot Wolf" began the Monday night show with a funny intro by Vincent, who explained that he began writing his "fake" journal entries during the run of his Off-Broadway play "Clive" last year while "waiting for cabs or waiting for coffee" and read them out loud to his fellow actors "for a laugh." Ha ha ha. Btw, Aaron Krohn, who co-starred in "Clive" with Vincent and Ethan Hawke, was also in the audience that night. Dana Lyn, who performed on stage with Slim Bone Head Volt backing Vincent during both shows at Joe's Pub, also appeared in "Clive".